Safety Committee Presentation

Jane 2Jane Yoder from the Guernsey County EMA presented Emergency Management 101 to members of the Guernsey County Safety Committee on March 11, 2015.  Emergency Management 101 gives a brief overview into the world of emergency management and outlines responsibilities of everyone from the individual citizen, business, non-profit organizations, and local, state, and federal government.

Many “disasters” are at a personal level. Citizens must take responsibility for their own safety. Everyone needs to BE INFORMED by learning about the emergencies that are likely to affect their neighborhood. Also, when something happens pay attention to the instruction being put out. Families and individuals need to MAKE A PLAN for different types of emergencies. HAVE A KIT that contains the things that you need to have to survive; like, flashlight, battery operated radio, personal hygiene items, food and water, medication. GET INVOLVED in activities that ensure that you community is also prepared.

Most emergencies are handled at the local level. These emergencies are handled by the local agency such as a fire department, law enforcement agency, ambulance service, local hospital, etc. When the local agency becomes overwhelmed, The County Emergency Management Agency becomes involved to coordinate the local response, identify resource gaps and request assistance from other agencies. The County Emergency Management Agency may request assistance from local groups and private non-profit organizations. All governmental department and agencies collaborate and provide for the escalation of their normal activities and responsibilities and to provide key resources during a disaster.

If the local agencies become overwhelmed and additional resources are needed, the County Emergency Management Director can request assistance from the State Emergency Management Agency. The State Emergency Management Agency works closely with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the local Emergency Management Agencies within the state to assist and support the local jurisdictions affected by a disaster.
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Once involved, the federal government provides assistance to states to supplement their resources. FEMA assistance may take the form of financial support, technical assistance, or the activation of federal resources.

EVERYONE HAS RESPONSIBILITIES: Local Emergency Management Agency, State Emergency Management Agency, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Governmental Departments and Agencies, Private – Non-profit Organizations; but, most importantly Private Sector Industry and Businesses and Citizens must be PREPARED TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR OWN SAFETY.

For information on emergency management or personal preparedness, call the Guernsey County EMA at 740-432-9292 or send us an email at Check out our website at

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